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Choosing a Kayak. Advice from River Trail.


Customers often ask why pay more for a kayak purchased at our Outfitter Shop in Knoxville MD?

Two Good Reasons:

One; better build quality and outfitting. Take a good look at the boats you are shopping. Does the build quality look bulky and too heavy, or light and too thin? Are the edges and the deck smooth and glossy or rough and flat? Does the seat look comfortable? Does the boat have adequate grab handles, deck bungees, and accessible storage areas?

Two; knowledgeable sales staff that will help you find the best boat for your needs. Rarely are you going to find dedicated boaters working at one of the big box stores who have actually paddled the boat you are looking at and can honestly answer detailed questions about the boat. Our professional Outfitter staff will ask the right questions to get you in the right boat. Where are you going to paddle the boat? Will you be doing day trips or overnighters? Will you be fishing from the boat? How much weight can you lift on your own?

River & Trail Outfitters carries excellent quality kayaks for sale from Dagger, Perception, Wave Sport & Wilderness Systems. These boats will cost you more than some brands but when you compare the quality of these boats to cheaper models you’ll, definitely see a difference in the build quality and you’ll experience the difference on the water. Our kayak and canoe store in Knoxville MD offers you the ability to work with knowledgeable sales staff who have paddled many of the boats we sell. Also, you have the opportunity to demo kayaks and canoes at our on-water DEMO location, open late spring through early fall. After your purchase, take advantage of the variety of services we provide paddlers including: kayak lessons, kayak trips and tours, camps, and paddler clinics all designed to get you out on the water and maximize the enjoyment of your kayak purchase.

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